New systems are coming into place as I’ve been going through a big shift…
…And it’s required me to do some massive surrendering, but simultaneously uplevel my focus and awareness so that I can traverse the continual arrival of highly seductive distractions with grace and (at best) some genuine laughter!
In my nearly 22 years of experience maintaining a lifestyle and career in the field of transformation and leadership, I continually find that the most accelerated path to upleveling one’s life is one through the Mastery of Movement, because the Movement of your Energy (or lack of) is the essence of your Power.
Prioritizing the body brings us home to Truth very quickly – making leadership a natural part of our expression.
As soon as you bring consciousness to intentionally swelling the heart space with love energy, the whole being is getting an energetic upgrade. Every particle, visible and invisible, will start to vibrate in accordance to the shift.
So right after you read this, I invite you to close your eyes and let a big amount of air come into you…. Then, let the air be taken out of you… we call this “being breathed” and it is a beautiful act of surrender. Do this a few times, until you can feel a power breathing you.
Now, in the mind’s eye, dive straight into the heart center – dive deep and far, and use your closed eye vision to find your way to the center.
Once you’re in the depths of yourself, find the breath inside that very spot, as if there were a budding flower there, breathing itself open inside of you.
Keep letting it open you up, from the inside out.
Eventually – keeping some awareness deep within you – you’ll come back to your space…
Welcome back! 🙂
When we’re tuned in and connected to deeper parts of ourselves we maintain our power to change, to love, to let go, to bring in… to create from an authentic, totally clear place.
As a human, in order to be a thriving player on this planet right now – evolving at a rapid rate – we must embrace the mastery of moving energy – and it’s not that lofty or difficult a thing to do.. Changing the way you walk can change the entire trajectory of your life… it’s that simple…
Simple, however, isn’t easy… but that’s what Mastery is all about!!
You and your life are divinely orchestrated. You’re beautiful and unique, and the world needs you!
With love,