Being a “Healer” Part One What feels like a hundred years ago…. (two decades)….. I walked out of American Ballet Rehearsal Studios at 890 Broadway...
Getting authentic often means peeling away layers and diving into the core of your being. What I love about our theme of authenticity and our...
New systems are coming into place as I’ve been going through a big shift… …And it’s required me to do some massive surrendering, but simultaneously...
Wow, is anyone else feeling the massive internal shifts going on as a result of the continual planetary support in guiding us closer and closer...
This is the time when the Earth is springing to life at its greatest momentum. As humans, we are a growth that comes from the...
We have been collectively sitting in a gooey place of deep unearthing… The moon was full last night in the sign of Scorpio, which has...